Saturday, October 25, 2014

Long waits lead to good ideas

As you know, I've got Leukemia and I visit the hospital frequently. Today my mom and I had an idea and subsequent service request. Do you think you could donate a few gently used books from your childrens' book collection for me to bring to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin next month? I think when I get home I'll have Mom put out a box on my front porch for folks who'd like to help. I always read and take home a donated book on treatment days and I thought it'd be great to replenish their stock.
I'll bring in some of my old books to share with the other kids and will add to the collection they have in the waiting room. On clinic days there is always a lot of waiting!

Thank you in advance! I'm sure there are a few gently used books out there that would certainly be CHERISHED by kids who would LOVE to take their mind off of CANCER and that day's treatment. Thank you!!!

As for me, my counts STILL haven't recovered. I'm really at risk now... Immunocompromised and 3 whole weeks of no chemo can really let those pesky CANCER cells take hold. But, I'm hoping next week I can get back on my meds and by next year at this time - I'll be just one month away from putting all this behind me!!!

At the clinic on Thursday I wore my cousin John's Elmo costume: Elmo! I really do love Elmo. I didn't take off the costume until Mom forced me to. Boo. I hope my counts are back up so I can Trick or Treat on Friday.

Have a safe Halloween, Friends.
Oh, and if you have any children's books you're no longer using, from Board Books all the way up to Teen novels, consider giving them to my mom for her to take with us to Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin when we go in next month.

Thank you!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2014

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and I know you're well aware that I have Down Syndrome, but I think it's always good to spread the truth and share helpful information about things that may not be common knowledge.  So my blog today is about ME and the other awesome people in the world like me. I am using some really nifty blocks about Down Syndrome from a mom who posted about Down Syndrome and it was actually borrowed from another mom who has a kid with Down Syndrome, too. Moms of kids with Down Syndrome are really tight and they share a lot of stuff. So, I don't have block number 1 or number 12. Please over look that. I'm sure there are a lot more things to know about Down Syndrome than 14 anyway, but here are 12 of 14 really interesting facts about Down Syndrome. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Most of the following photos are from my visit to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, yesterday. Yep, cancer is still in the picture and leukemia may be winning this little battle, but I think I've got this war won. I'm still on a chemo hold, until my counts come all the way back up, but I'm thinking they will. I'm feeling well, just really immunocompromised - so no hugs in public or high fives until I'm stronger. For everyone's safety, wash your hands often this cold and flu season. THANK YOU!

THANK YOU for reading all about Down Syndrome and for encouraging my parents and siblings as we all learn more about what I can do. I'm going to turn three in a month! Just one month! I can hardly believe it. Stay tuned, I'm sure my mother will take about a million photos that day!
As always, and truly from my heart, thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Have a safe and healthy fall!