Saturday, October 26, 2013

Phew, glad that's over, for now, at least.

Well, phew, I'm glad that's over, for now at least. I had my fourth spinal tap on Thursday, in a weekly series of spinal taps. Each week I go into the hospital and meet with the phenomenal staff in the HOT (hematology, oncology, transplant) clinic at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. They review with my folks how things have been going at home and then they orchestrate getting me to and back from surgery. Spinal tap surgery doesn't take very long, they just take a little fluid from my back and replace it with chemotherapy medicine and that gives my brain a good wash down so that cancer cells won't stand a chance at surviving if they sneak into my central nervous system. I'll get a few more spinal taps before I'm out of the woods, but after yesterday I get a break for a while.

Blood draw before surgery.

They let me try on a surgeon's hat.

All plugged in, post-op.

You can really see my hair loss here. I got my flu shot on Thursday too.

In other exciting news I'm walking again. It took four weeks to build up my strength and leg muscles to carry me around, but I'm back to walking around, getting into cupboards and making messes.

Winter is almost here and it's soon going to be hat season for everybody, not just me. Today I helped Mom and Diana get out our hats and gloves.

Looks like we are ready for the next season! Next up in cancer treatment? More at home meds and lots of hand washing and avoiding sick people. Thanks again for all of your prayers and for staying away if you're not feeling well. Keeping me both cancer free and illness free while being immunocompromised is a bit tricky, but we'll get through this in no time!
God Bless and have a great week.

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