Saturday, June 2, 2018

Blood Drive Time 2018

I'm happy to be almost done with school and that it's almost summer!

Yes- last minute plug for my Blood Drive.
Monday June 4, 2018
Delavan American Legion Hall
2 to 7 pm.
Come save a life or just come and hang out.

School is almost out.
Summer is almost here.

We are living in almost- we always are- 
We aren’t what we were and we aren’t yet who we are going to be. 

We are like wet clay- always changing - and the risk is that at some time we will stop moving and we will dry up and get weak and fragile and crumbly.

God is the one who mold us- always changing us- helping us through the funny shapes- never making us fully perfect- because we can’t ever be fully perfect.

And the artist knows that/ the work is never done/ never perfect.
But it’s always able to be loved, to be looked at and revered, to have obvious things that are right and spots that need more smoothing out.

Here are a few pictures of me living this almost life. Life in the middle. A life being molded.

Stay sticky and stay malleable!
Happy almost.

St. Andrew shirts on and ready for Memorial Day Parade. Remembering those who served.

I often wear headphones because some loud sounds bother me. 

I absolutely love my school! Watch out first grade, here I come!

I am enjoying the summer weather and the parks in town.

I gave my mother a rose after Mass on Mother's day. 

Massimo is a good puppy!

I love visiting with my friend before church!

Memorial Day Parade 2018

My school friends are all being molded, just like me. I feel so blessed that they accept me for who I am
 and for the shape I'm in right now. So thankful. 

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